New Life Radio is designed to teach the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation so listeners might understand the whole redemptive plan of God for mankind. Christ-centered and Bible-focused, with a high view of the Scriptures, NLR features a daily format including 35% Bible teaching, with Christian apologetics, specific theme programs, short sermons and Scripture recitations; along with 65% music featuring the best of Christian music across particular genres and time periods that praise God and teach the faith. NLR specializes in expository teaching by a small group of well tested and trusted pastors and theologians to ensure our younger audience is well grounded in the Scriptures from an older generation of Christians seeking to train the next generation of the Church.
NLRI encourages a diversity of the Christian community to utilize our network for delivering sound Scriptural content, without promoting their particular denominational perspectives or doctrinal distinctives. Everything on the air conforms to what the Scriptures state.
UKRAINIAN language broadcasts of Radio Nove Zhitya have a similar approach to the Russian station in a slightly more traditional music format, with similar teaching content and dramatic Bible reading hourly.

NLR programmers are split up between Odessa, Austria, Germany, Romania, and the USA

NLR’s staff members in Odessa overseeing broadcasts. Please keep them in your prayers as the city faces constant attacks and electricity shutoffs.