Grateful listeners around the world are writing to our radio team in Odessa. Here are a few translated samples in English.
Igor, writing from the Baikonur Space Launch Center in Kazakhstan: By the way, in Baikonur, New Life Radio is being listened to. Thanks!
Andre: Thanks to all who are working on the radio. When I have a chance, I listen specifically to this radio most of the time. Lots of new and helpful information I found out especially from you, thank you! God’s blessings to all of you and those who listen to you. Once again, thanks!
Peter: Greetings from Ukraine all leaders on the radio and listeners. Thank you for your ministry. Praise Jesus Christ!
Vladimir Tarbez: Thank you to NLR workers for your labor. I am praying for Ukraine. Play me a song!
Pyotr Chebonyenko (Ukraine): Thank you for the sermon—”Love your neighbor”—by Kolomitsev. It’s as rain in time of draught.
Yuri Vladimirovich (Russia): Thank you for your radio. Thank God for you!
Yuri Kozel: New Life Radio is most popular among Christians in Israel! Thanking the Lord and you! You are the best!
Evgeny Ryazanov: Good morning brothers. Excellent on air theme today!
Daria Lazareva: May God bless you and your labor and all workers of New Life!
Tatiana Trifonova: Huge thanks IVAN for your support and song and encouragement!
Andre: Praise God for this radio! Even at work I can be edified! I cannot watch, but I can listen almost always. God showed me this radio! Thanks!
Vasili : Praise the Lord, friends for your much needed ministry on New Life Radio, especially for short but very exhaustive doctrinal materials—ie., the radio program, “What do you believe?” It’s a masterpiece of biblical truth!
Pastor Ruslan: Peace to you NLR! I really like your air shifts. I hear many new songs when I am working, eating or doing anything else, always on your channel! May the Lord bless you. Often I hear Bible recordings, I really like such reading of the Scriptures!
Sveta Luchik: Big greetings to you! Thank you for sermons, analysis, explanations! it really helps to understand a lot!
Duisberg, Germany: Radio New Life, greetings! BIG THANKS to you that you guide us and speak about God and give opportunity to people to share and greet each other from different continents during the Song Request Hour. This unites us and makes us stronger. Beautiful songs and a good mood being in God!
Tatiana Trifonova. Hello Ivan and greetings to all who listen to you. Right now I am going through very tough times. I have gone into total silence, but your air shifts are pulling me out of my clamshell. I go, but I stumble. I feel such heaviness on my heart. For now, praise music is holding me up that I would not get discouraged completely.
Alona Musatova. Hello to you beloved radio! Brothers and sisters. I am grateful for your labor for the Lord and for his glory, and of course for us. Super theology, with the themes you pick and life lessons!
Sergey (self-proclaimed atheist in NLR’s chat room). I have so many questions in my head, images, thoughts and ideas and I am shy to ask them, because Christianity for me is a pure waterspring and I don’t want to mess it up with my silly or timeless questions. therefore I don’t want people to be offended by my questions if my questions will appear improper. NOTE: a fellow listener in response to Sergey in the chat room: “Sergey, don’t be afraid. I was like you. Here I received help and understanding. I also was afraid to ask questions and slowly I started to write and receive answers on those questions.”
Elona Aksonova. Its great that there is such radio. Thank you!
Vasilli. Thank you brother Ivan for good biblical instruction! May the Lord bless you with abundant fruit in your labor in the harvest of God.
Evgeny Nezvechuk. I would like to greet all New Life Radio listeners in Moldova. Thank you, our favorite radio, NLR, for the ministry that you carry out for so many years no matter what!
Ksenia. Dear NLR, Big thanks to you for broadcasting sermons. Today I saw myself in the sermon and was confronted.
Roman Bay. Hello. Please tell us what pushed you to create New Life Radio? Maybe some kind of event? And what were your first steps to popularity?
Vasilli. Good morning friends. A blessed Lord’s day to you. I would like to express a big thanks for the special to my heart blessings from your ministry that I received this morning. Wonderful program in the spirit of Christ through which God especially touched my heart and renewed my feelings of love toward the Lord in this difficult time of testing of my faith. Praise God for your ministry of words of the Gospel.
Nargiza. Dear Olga, thank you for your choice of songs that very much touched my heart. I love your musical taste. Many times I notice how when you are on the air, you play very special songs. Thank you!
Anna Yakovleva (Moscow) Greetings to you brothers and sisters in our Lord. Thank you for your labor. Recently I started to listen to your radio. Really wonderful that you are there. Such ministers of God. Thank you!
Sergey. Good day. Good themes on radio! Good sermon, but the second part I missed. Powerful and beautiful sermon. Thanks!
Kirill. Greetings from Germany to all listeners and to DJ’s Ivan and Yuri, and to all coworkers of NLR. May God’s grace produce more fruit through you. Thank you for your ministry!
Tatiana. Thank God for your radio, New Life, for your ministry. The Lord keep you safe. Blessings!
Vera Babishkina (Ukraine) Ivan, good day! Sincerely thanks for a wonderful air shift! It is truly spiritual bread that truly strengthens, and there is something to think about. Sincerely wishing you and all your team at the radio station even more inspiration and blessing from the Lord in your future labors!
Yulia Fedortsova (Belarus) Greetings to all! We are glad that we can listen to your radio. We are sending greetings from Bobruisk, Belarus. Wishing you to grow in the Lord. You are a big blessing for all of us. May the Lord richly bless you all!
Kostia: May the Lord bless you in this beautiful labor. May the Lord help you to get regular radio waves in Russia, to be able to listen to radio without Internet. Amen!
Tatiana. Huge thanks dear Radio New Life for sermons of Charles Stanley and IN TOUCH. It is really helping to purify my life with the Lord. Peace to you and your homes, Peace and grace to your families. May God protect you!
IRINA Pushka (Kazahkstan) Thank you Ivan for the encouragement!
Sergey: Andre Vovk (preacher) says “God’s fire.” I recognized his voice and smiled. Greetings to all!
Olga Son: Dear Radio! I want to thank you for wonderful choices of sermons by Alexander Kolomitsev, A. Prokopenko, and others. Very edifying! And also for interesting themes that you bring up during the broadcast day. Big thanks to you! Stay thirsty and seeking, that God’s people would continue to grow in the knowledge of the Lord and His Word. Blessings to you and your families.
Natalia Bakmetova; Good evening NLR! May the Lord be praised through your radio. Greetings from Siktivkar, north Russia.
Stefan Semchuk: Ivan, when you are on the air, that is a blessing! May God bless you!
Tatiana Trifonova: Thank you for the song! As usual, right in my heart! When you want to listen to some song and you don’t know which one, you always play what is appropriate (just what I needed to hear)!
Oleg. Thank you brother for this teaching! Its very timely and useful!
Alesya: Good morning! Could I request the notes of this program, about contentment that is on the air right now?
Natalya: Ivan! Thank you for your greetings! Its very pleasant that in this world we are not alone, and that we always can find help and support and that the Lord speaks to us including through other people. Have a blest weekend!
Valeria. Hello. Please tell me what was the sermon at 6 am today, and what was the name of it?
Galina Shaova: Good day dear ones! Could I have the link to the sermon of Kolomitsev on the Book of Nehemiah that I heard yesterday morning? Thanks for your labor!
Vasili Posnyak: Glad to hear dear pastor to our heart, Vitaly Roshko! May the Lord bless him! Timely preaching during these anxious, uncertain times.
Nadezhda. How I want to wish good beginning of the work week, with excellent mood and God’s blessing! I appreciate life given by God! Please play this song “SMILE” by Vladimir Litvenova!
Natalya. Greetings to all! Special greeting to DJ Ivan! It was so nice to hear him today on the air! Please play a song by Simon Khorolski for me. Thanks!
Oksana. Where can I listen if I miss something and want to hear it again?
Valery: Greetings dear ones. I listened today about a program on Seventh Day Adventists. How can I hear it once again? Please send me a link to it. Really good information. We ourselves are evangelical Christians, but our friend’s neighbors are Adventists, and we communicate with them. Its relevant and we are trying to open their eyes to the truth. Please send the link!
Ksenia: Good day! Very interesting theme about obsession. That is an answer to the prayer from my sister. Please tell me how we can hear the full version of the program again?
Valeria: Hello! What is this program about the Church of Pergamos? Where can I listen to it again? (Revelation Chapter 2:12)
Mikhail: Beautiful song on the air right now! “As a deer pants for water” by Darina. How can I find it? And also not just that one, but the next one was very pleasant to listen to and have the recording of it. “Psalm 41” by Roman Ivanko. Thanks ahead of time for your answer.
Irina Bashkirova: Greetings to everybody! Wishing you a good week, good news, and joyful meetings! God is always good! Amen!
Anonymous: I am listening to a program right now about Jewish synagogues. It turns out that even then, there was corruption when in the synagogue, they would offer you a better place if you were better dressed!
Valeri: Good morning. Can I please ask you for a sermon by Charles Stanley about ministry that was on at 6 am.
Anonymous: Thank you for the radio station! Praise God for your labor! Its good that you are there. Through you there is such a pleasant opportunity to greet our families and close ones!
Gleb. Big thanks for this wonderful radio and blessings to you all and happiness! From Minsk, Belarus
Olga Chuyanova: Praise the Lord! Oksana, big thanks for explanations on the Book of Revelation!
Alex. Greetings to all from the United States. Peace to you all!
Greetings! It is I, Shahbaz Yakub, from Pakistan. I am a pastor and a teacher. May the Lord bless you and your families! Please continue to pray for peace and comfort in Ukraine, Turkey, and Syria. God help them in the name of Jesus!
Anya: Ivan, really nice to hear you and I love the radio!
Tanya. Praise God for the new radio staff and those who have been working for a long time! Please put for all the DJs, “My Lighthouse.”
Maxim: I agree! Praise God for your ministry and good radio!
Nikmaskov: I am listening to you from Tolyati, Russia.
Anatoly Zelinkov: Peace to you! I am listening to you from Moldova!
Fyodor: Peace to you! We are listening to you from Khanti-Mansi Oblast, Russia.
Sergey. Good evening to everybody! I am listening to you from Cherkaz, Ukraine. God’s blessing to all!
Serozha: Very convenient to use the NLR radio app. I really want to thank those people who participated in creating and developing this radio I-phone app.
Viktor Zaitsev: Greetings to NLR and all brothers and sisters in Chicago! Please play something in English!
Vasilli: Thank you to brother Roman Tesluk, for the program full of information and a very rich and deep sermon! I took a lot of it for myself!
Vasya from Brest Oblast, Belarus: Dear and favorite radio! I am listening to you through a satellite antenna. Such juicy radio waves! I will be bold and will request a song for those who in a period of technical progress, do not abandon their radio receivers! Please put a song of Korop on the air called “Radio receiver.” It is a song from old broadcasts of NLR, and I hope it didn’t get lost in your music archive.
Anatoly: Praise God for you! It’s a pleasure to be fed spiritual food on your radio wave!
Seryozha. Good day our favorite radio app NEW LIFE! Thank you that you make us rejoice in such excellent content, Christian programs, and favorite Christian music! Wishing you all God’s blessings.
Natalia. The week on radio was very effective and truthful. The main thing, in the quiet environment, the Lord hears our prayers. He is always with us.
Irina. Praise God that there is such a radio! Many words of comfort sound on your broadcasts. May God richly bless you.
Ivanovich: Thank you for your work. I am a driver and always listening to this radio!
Constantine Zhurzhiyu: Greetings. Please tell me if you are on regular radio. If yes, then on which frequency? I would really love to listen to a Christian radio station. Unfortunately, there is not always the opportunity to listen to Christian radio online. Praise God as the hand of help and guidance, reminding us that we are Christians.
Greetings to you dear ones. Recently, you added another continuous faithful listener, Fyodor from the village of Dobroye (Good) to whom I helped hook up a receiver to a satellite dish. Please play for his family, a song with guitar of your choice!
Boris from Russia. Peace to you! I am a brother in Christ and my name is Boris. I listen through the satellite to your program and decided to contact you.
Alexander. Praise the Lord! I saw your message and was glad to see it as I praise God for your radio, for the SPIRIT translates through your labors. When I turn on radio, I get answers from God!
Irina Pushka. Huge thanks to NLR staff for spiritual support ! Your radio doesn’t go silent in our house! In joy and in sorrows, NLR works at all times in our life!
Alexander Neskin. Greetings! God speaks to you! I listen to God’s Word about peace. I listen to the sermon and understand that God speaks about me! Right now I am getting better and today I didn’t sleep until 4 am, having different thoughts, and the next day I hear this WORD! Thank you to the announcer who spoke that word. Praise God for your radio, NEW LIFE. I want to ask if you can drop this sermon to me again?
Irina Bashkirova. Huge thanks to you! For your labor and your sensitivity and speedy answers. May the Lord bless your broadcasts and all workers on radio.
Anonymous listener from Russia. Huge thanks! I adore your radio. My mornings only start with your radio.
Roman Sadovski. Dear Brothers and Sisters. Thank you for your airtime! It is a big help to those who now suffer. Thanks that you are serving in God’s field with open hearts. May the Lord bless you and protect you and give you His peace.
PAVEL: I spend a lot of time on my job unfortunately, and every night going to bed I turn on your radio and even in my rest, I get edified! Big thanks for your labor and to all who labor for God’s glory!
Maria Bender: Good day Brothers in Christ! MY FAVORITE New Life Radio! Praise the Lord for all of you!
Irina Filipenok: Huge thanks New Life Radio for your ministry in this uneasy time. I find lots of comfort in your reading of the Psalms and God’s Word and in sermons you are broadcasting! One big plea: to pray about ending this war, and for my beloved city, DONETSK. God’s blessings on your labor!
Pasha: THANK YOU! We are in Kharkiv, and we feel your prayerful support! May the Lord richly bless you and your labor which is very precious for us, especially in this difficult time.
Maxim Zhirkov in Astrakhan: I am delighted with your broadcasts! I like everything! I get edified from healthy teaching, the music format, and well organized themes!
IRINA Pushka to the workers at New Life Radio. I admire you, that you are peacemakers. You are true Christians! Praise God for you!
Alex R. Shalom dear ones! Greetings from Tyumen, Russia. Thank you that during this uneasy time, you do not stop broadcasting God’s truth!
Viktor in Ukraine. Shalom brothers and sisters! Right now, we are living through many trials and we hear many stories. During the last week, I was introduced to many people from many churches that were forced to flee their own lands. From western Ukraine, I have a song request for them…
Tanya in Germany. Hello dear radio! Only now from Germany! So glad to finally hear you again. Without you it was very difficult. Songs, Psalms, music, and God’s Word is influencing VERY FAVORABLY on the state of our souls! Right now we go through difficult times.
Timothy Luts. A Huge thanks to you (NLR)! May the Lord fill our hearts with PEACE AND LOVE. I constantly listen to your radio. I am grateful that you are working!
Pastor Slava Gonchareno from Minsk, Belarus: “Thanks for your labor! I really like your radio. DEEP THEMES! Too bad I cannot remember everything, so please tell me if I can get ahold of your archives. Last night there was a sermon about WHO IS CHRIST? FANTASTIC! A few days ago there was a program about truth–really deep!”
IVAN KIRICHENKO from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: “Hello to the NLR team. Huge thanks that you help us to live and to believe! I want to wish you all blessings and God’s fullest grace, a good mood, and perseverance in the faith. You help us make a proper choice in the way and following God!”
VICTOR KORNUTA from Western Ukraine: “Thank you for the radio production. Apologetics is my favorite subject–really glad to hear BRAVE and TRUTHFUL teaching! May the Lord strengthen you and bless you. It is very edifying! Thanks for your reverence for GOD’S WORD and thanks to Oksana J for yesterday’s program which was brave and without compromise. May the Gospel be in the FIRST place. Thank you for your quality work and for blessing listeners. I love the radio and your team!
Katerina Likhachova: Dear Radio New Life. Thank God for the song! Friends, on behalf of the listeners of radio “New Life”, we thank you for your creativity and encouragement! Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ for His feat at Calvary!
I am listening to you attentively. Its so interesting and the themes and subjects are for me! I really want spiritual stability in my life. Tatiana
Tanya writes: I want to express gratitude to the leaders of the program (Book of Revelation from a chapter by chapter study). Thanks for such programs where there is such an accessible and understandable study of God’s Word. May the Lord give you wisdom and strength. May blessing be upon you. And really, I started to analyze my life after this program. You and God’s Word pushed me to think about it.
Luba Fedorak “Marvelous. A really good study and commentary. Good Job! Praise God. I feel like I am a true disciple. Fantastic. Thanks for your commentary on the Book of Revelation.
Natasha Bakmetova (Komi, Russia). Vanya, Good day! I want to thank you for sermons, study, that we walk in one vision and one spirit. Right now I am going through difficult times, but the Lord always encourages me through His word, and when I was praying, God put some Bible verses on my heart. The next day, YOU speak God’s word of encouragement, that we would not be discouraged, even if we have nothing. Ie., Job and Habbakuk. Big thanks to your team for good teaching. May God speak in your hearts.
Ekaterina “Hello. Thank you for such wonderful, beautiful radio! The words cannot express how it encourages me in life!!! Please tell us, can we find somewhere sermons of Andre Volk? Theme: How Families should worship together (corporate worship). Thanks ahead of time. May the Lord bless you richly. Big thanks. My husband and I would like to relisten to it. May God protect you.
Olga Tuyanova. “Praise God. Really interesting to listen, a wonderful theme!
Thank you for such deep teaching of the Word! Now many things become clearer to me! Ekaterina P.
The understanding of God’s Covenant opens our eyes to the truth of Holy Scripture as one whole unit—Old and New Testament. It reveals the plan of redemption as a red line going through both the testaments. Thanks for a wonderful program! Roman
How I love to listen to you ladies (Oksana & Eva)! Praise God for the explanation of the book of Romans—huge thanks! Olga Chukanova
Brother Ivan: I am thankful for you and all your radio team and for your ministry in all post-Soviet territories! I always dreamed about such radio, and I see the need in such a ministry, especially during these times. For that I am thankful to you!
Great thanks to God for your labor on the radio, NEW LIFE! For all who are diligently and sacrificially working in God’s harvest–thank you for the Gospel that you are bringing to the world. Blessings to you! Lubov Fedoryak
I was walking and stopping to make notes on my phone. I am listening to your radio around 10 years! Wherever I am working in an office, NLR is always quietly playing in the background, so everyone who was coming to the office inevitably was listening to the radio. A few years ago, my son in law said to me, “Mom, you got hooked up on this radio.” You can say that my morning begins with New Life Radio, not with coffee! God’s blessings! Ludmilla
ROMAN from St. Petersburg, Russia. NLR, you are super! I receive big instructions and blessings through your programs. The Lord is working through you! Praise Him forever! Once again, I am thankful for your radio. May the Lord bless you.
Greetings to New Life! For one month now I listen and am really inspired! Thanks for interesting programs and teachings! I like the study of the Psalms and Revelation. Igor Velichko
How can I get this material (radio interview with Lina) for working with kids in the orphanage, and with kids overall? Brothers and Sisters, this is a super program and testimony—powerful, and God is speaking through this testimony concerning ministry in orphan-ages and about calling. Thanks!
Greetings dear friends. I am thankful to you for your radio! Sending greetings from Mikashevichi, Belarus to you. Nikolai
Really interesting interview. Such a deep intimate conversation. I really needed to hear the last words, which were for me. Right now I am going through a difficult period, and the story of Anna was for me a blessing. Larka
Alex from RUSSIA. “NLR is super! Thank you for the subject of security of salvation; it’s an important theme! I love your radio for such theological teachings! I am building my house and listening as I study in your radio seminary–even my neighbors are listening! You have a good team! Continue to strengthen and make wiser our superficial, shallow, and immature contemporary Christianity. Thanks!”
“I want to thank all the leaders on the air who so well pick out themes that are very needed for us! “
Tatiana Trifonova: “Ivan, thank you! It was such a blest week! I learned so much from your programs.”
“Dear Friends at NLR, the Lord is with you! You are doing very wonderful work sharing the love of the Lord with children in our Christian summer camp. I love and pray for you!”
“I am pouring cement and listening to your radio with my pastor.” Vic
Andre Titov: Greetings to you. It’s a really good and helpful radio! I am listening to you for one month and I got so much benefit from it. I receive answers from my questions through sermons that you broadcast that I never even asked you. The Holy Spirit fills us and gives us answers!
VICTOR: “Shalom friends! A year ago at this time in your program called “Setting the heart,” you were discussing the Psalms, and even till today, those programs are encouraging me! “
“Praise Jesus for you friends!” From a true disciple.
ILYA BOGDANOV from Yalta, Crimea: “I am grateful for the NLR staff. Right now I am laying in bed with a fever and you are encouraging me for which I am hugely grateful! Your faithful listener.” (note: Ilya is handicapped and wheelchair bound).
Russia: Dear NLR, thank you for your labor and that you broadcast God’s Word that is very precious to us. We wish you success & blessings in all areas. Please continue to spoil us and give us joy with good Christian music!
Oklahoma USA. We are listening to you for 5 years and radio is working in our home very often. Thank you for your ministry. We are listening to NEW LIFE practically daily and tell our friends back in Russia about your radio station!
Odessa. Thank you for encouragement! I believe that God is the only one who cares about me. Thanks to your radio that it helps to separate all the empty and unnecessary. I am really grateful to God for you that you help us to know God and to love Him all the more! Anyuta
Uzebekistan: Thanks for the program, it was like an anointing on my heart. We are really glad that you are our precious God’s people. Thanks for the warm words! Blessings to your family. We love you! Irina Pushka
Ukraine: This song returned me right back to the place where I found peace- to the Cross. Victor
Mt. Arlington, New Jersey: Hello blessed! Thank you for your labor. With gratitude, Evgeny
Tiblisi, Georgia: Peace to you! I am a helper to the priest in a Catholic church, and am preaching and teaching the Bible. Roma Karapetiyan
Praise God for you precious ones! Always inspiring and instructive! Sergey
Every day I get inspired, praise to Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!!! Alexander
I downloaded your radio. Thanks, it is really edifying teaching! Please continue in the same spirit! Denis
Ukraine. on NLR, I heard Psalm 119. I really liked its production. Where can I listen to it once again? Sergey Omelchuk.
YELENA SAMUSAEVA. ” I want to say a great thank you to the DJs of this station. Thanks for your ministry and your love, your heart, which you open to the Lord and to us through radio. Your efforts are not wasted in vain. May God further lead you in this ministry and give you strength and inspiration!”
ANN from Odessa: “How wonderful that there is such a radio that we can praise our God together!”
Natalya: “NLR, you are a blessing to everyone!”
VASILLI from Russia: “Thank you for today’s theme on the radio! My day…morning: message in a group…bad news, explosions, crime and so on. Afternoon: work, bus, work, bus, waiting in line at the store, everyone is angry. Evening: church, God’s house, and the sermon message is hell and expectation of God’s punishment, assuming hard times ahead, everything is BAD. So lets pray. PEOPLE, what is with us? Who will encourage us? AND HERE IS NEW LIFE RADIO! Great job!!
SANYA from Spain: “I really like your broadcasts—much variety with different themes, Christian history, and great music! I am listening to you since 2000 and I am still blessed by you! Living now in Spain. I am grateful to the Lord for the Internet. May God bless you with rich blessings!”
EDUARD from Russia writes: “It happened that I am working and listening to you. Practically you became to me like my pastor. I don’t know how it happened, but you and I are in one spirit! I perfectly understand you regarding the teaching in Romans and Revelation. And I get the feeling that you are answering my questions–its wonderful! Sometimes speaking on the air is as if the Bible is speaking directly into my life!”
Alik from California. Good afternoon. I am writing to you from Sacramento, California. We constantly listen to your radio. I remember when I heard your radio broadcast how to evangelize in a public part. Very cool and relevant production. Can you somehow play it again? Alik Dashkevych
Kristina from Germany. Hello to everyone in the name of our Lord Jesus. I am listening to your radio every day before I go to work and after I come home from work and all the weekends. I receive inspiration through your broadcasts and I receive strength from you! Praise God for you! May God richly bless you in your ministry.
LUBA from Israel. The fact that I am listening to your radio is a miracle! Absolutely by accident, I stumbled over your broadcasting. I can say without exaggeration and false statements, your programs help me to live and come out of different difficult situations. Even your voices on the air are expressing love that is pouring from your lips. As soon as I hear you, my mood is getting better instantly. Thank you once again! Blessings to you overflowing!
MICHAEL from Zarechnoye, Kazakhstan. Everyone at our rehab center is really excited for the radio installation of New Life Radio! Praise the Lord for your ministry! Thank you. Everyone is pleased! May God bless your ministry!
Anyuta from Odessa, Ukraine. Thank you that I have such a friend as NLR.
Leanna from Krasnodar, Russia. I want to tell you great thanks, listening to your radio wave and I am finding resources to grow in the Scriptures. Your theme of trusting in God is something I needed to hear from you today!
ANDRE from Israel. “New Life Radio, ISRAEL LOVES YOU and blesses this very needed ministry! Thank you that you talk about Israel, and for the beautiful praises in Hebrew which I believe God placed on your heart to play. My spouse and I are being filled every day from this source, and I recommend NLR to my brothers and sisters. FROM Grace Church in Israel.”
NARMINA from Azerbaijan. “I cannot live without you! Because of you, I am able to grow spiritually. Unfortunately, I have no time to read the Bible and you are a breath of fresh air and my spiritual food. But I am intending to change my priorities and contemplating the Scriptures. THANK YOU!”
Alexander. Friends and listeners of New Life Radio. Thank you for your ministry. You teach and encourage God’s people through your work. I hear grateful responses about you and rejoice with you. Praise God.
Ilona from Anapa, Russia. I am a believer since 1998 and I am crazy about the LORD! I manage a women’s club called “Inspiration.” We have different classes for women. I love New Life Radio and am so grateful for the JOY which you bring daily to all who need it. Thank you that I can join you in fellowship. Blessings!
Tatiana Trifonova--faithful listener. Hello to all and especially to my favorite New Life Radio. I am grateful that you exist and a special hello to DJ Eva for today’s meditation on the air, that our heavenly Father is here! I changed my perspective and look at things differently.
Vasili from the Ural Mountains area (Kaminsk-Uralski): I want to express gratitude to NLR for God’s Word, that your radio broadcasts! It is a HUGE support and great blessing for me!
Thank you always. I have pleasure and joy in my heart when I listen to your radio.
MARIA in Russia. I thank God for blessed NEW LIFE RADIO that through you we can hear the exact words of truth! Proverbs 22:21 I pray for you! May the Lord bless you and your families. Thanks for your positive atmosphere of love that enters our home!
Natalie. Good morning my great God’s family! We are waiting for a great spiritual breakfast, and may our heavenly Father bless our favorite radio. Wish you peace and love.
CHRISTINA Zolotova: “Thank you for today’s broadcast which seems to be dedicated to my situation. Thank you for your encouragement!”
Anya Mandzuk.-Ukraine. Always listening to New Life Radio. Tanya Siganyuk from our church is listening to it 24/7 and she records sermons and shares them with me. Cool!
Galina Maftulak. Right now I am listening to your radio all the time. I broke my leg and took sick leave and I cannot walk to church, but I am reading the Bible and get fed by your words. Very glad that you exist.
OHHH, Great job guys and a big thank you! Yes, I can hear you wonderfully (great sound) and very much love your radio. Praise God for you!
LUBA ANOKIN, Orlov, Russia. “I really like New Life Radio! It is always broadcasting in my beauty salon and tattoo parlor with a minimum of four clients who listen to God’s Word for 2 hours while waiting!”
Hello I am really glad that I found you. I Already listen to you for one month. I got so much information that I was interested in.
You are a great radio station. We are listening to you every day. Thank you for your labor and ministry.
Irkutsk region (Siberia). You will probably be encouraged to know where I am from. Ust Ilimsk in Irkutskia oblast. I am listening only to your radio and no other. I am serving in worship in church.
Valeri Chernyenko. I recommend New Life Radio! the radio teaches, inspires, and has fabulous music!
Larisa Podgorniya–Seattle. Great programs! I recommend New Life Radio. We are listening to you with pleasure.
PUTNIK from Russia. “Hello to all the NLR listeners around the URAL MOUNTAINS! What I like about NLR is that your songs correspond with the meaning of what the DeeJays are speaking about on the air. How do you do it?”
Dmitri. Hello best radio New Life! Greetings with respect, your constant listener, Dima from OREL City, Russia.
KARINA ASHIROVA, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. “Hello and thanks! I am listening to NLR for a long time and really like it! Thanks for your labor!”
TURKEY. Peace to all saints in Christ and listeners to New Life Radio. Special blessing and God’s anointing for this day. God is good! These days, I am serving among the saints in ancient Asia (Turkey). I hope to be able to stay in touch. Remember me in your prayers. God keep you. Pastor Alexander Boychenko.
How great!!! Radio sounds perfect! Thank you that you are working hard for us who listen to your radio! Many blessings to you!!! Evgeny.
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